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Friday, 13 January 2012


Our next photo to be profiled is Respect. 

We both are in love with this tiny little pioneer cemetery, which is located on the outskirts of Niagara Falls.  It is right off the side of the road, surrounded by farmer's fields and hydro lines.  It seems like every year, the old headstones fall (or are pushed) over, but someone maintains it, and rights them soon enough.  They cut the grass and trim the trees.  They keep the place looking respectful.

We knew we wanted to shoot there, so when we got the idea for this shot, this is where we headed first.  It was a little gross, laying on the ground, since everywhere we looked, there were snails.  Hundreds of snails.  I am not normally disturbed by snails, but the idea of them crawling all over thanks.

We have had mixed opinions on the hydro lines in the background.  Some people say the photo would be great without them, others like them just fine.  To be honest, they are there, because we like them.  They are a "tip of the hat" to the TV show Durham County, starring Hugh Dillon (I am a huge Hugh Dillon fan!) 

The inspiration of this photo is the mindset behind a killer, who decides to dump a body.  Regardless of how he caught her, whether by force, or by charm, and regardless of what he did, on purpose or by accident, there is always the day after. 

The day of clean up.  Of reckoning.

So, does he know?  Does he know where to go, what to do?  Is it planned out meticulously, down to the last detail?    Are his Saturdays spent, cruising the back roads, looking for the perfect spot?  Does he work with a stop watch, timing his steps down to the second? 

Or, is it random? Sloppy?  Desperate?

Regardless, he ended up here, probably early in the morning.  He is sweaty and bone weary, tired after a long night.  These are the last check marks on a lengthy to-do list, and after this, he can sleep. 

So, he lays her down gently (or is it a careless drop?)  He positions her limbs, her head, her hair, just so (or does he kick her arm off his shoe, and not notice where it lands?)  He says his good byes, maybe even an apology, maybe affection, bordering on love (or does he laugh?  Spit?  Or worse, nothing at all?)

As the sun rises, and the sky turns warm with a brand new day, he returns to his life, to his hunt and his games.  As the snails crawl out, seeking the heat, our lady lays, the sole object of his respect (or lack thereof)...
8x10 or 5x7
Anita and Geoff

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